Saturday, July 3, 2010

Spend Time with your Family

Tomorrow is the 4th of July and the thought of this holiday made me take some time to slow down and think. Am I spending enough time with my family? I sure hope so. My previous occupation had me working all summer long and many weekends of being in the office or on call. I also spent months traveling for business. Now I work from home and sometimes think I am still a work-a-holic. So what is the difference?

I AM HOME. Yes, I am home. My kids are not in daycare. I have two school aged girls and a 6 month old baby. Mom (that's me) brings the girls to school and then goes home with the baby to spend some time working. I am always home with the girls get home from school on the bus and my baby is in my sole care. I love having them home and I love working from home.

And this let's me spend more time with my family. This summer the older girls are in morning summer school, then we play all afternoon. We, and they, never have been able to do that before. We do the "Kids Bowl Free" bowling, have passes to the local waterpark pool, do library activities and look for anything fun and low cost. My little baby loves packing up and heading out with her older sisters. My husband, also known as dad, meets us after work and also gets to spend time with the kids. More than he ever has.

So take some time to re-evaluate your busy lifestyle to see if you are spending enough time with your kids. Kids learn from their parents, so make sure you are a good role model and someone they can look up to. The time will come when they are teenagers. If you spend quality time with your kids now, there is a higher chance they will come to you for advice when they get older. Don't lose touch with your kids... embrace the time you have together.

Happy 4th of July!

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