Friday, November 16, 2007

It's a little late, but I have to share!

Yah, I know it's a little late but I wanted to show off my little angels on Halloween. Life has been giving me lots of lemons and time is just not my friend. So better late than never.

My little angels are so creative. Little "K" wanted to be Tinkerbelle for halloween, so Big Sis "E" decided to be a pirate (like Captain Hook, only a girl and cute). Then she tells me "mom, aren't you glad we aren't princesses again this year!" Well, yes I am, but I miss my little princesses also. So here they are...

Oh... but it gets better. My family is just plain Disney NUTS.... So check out "E's" pumpkin. It ROCKED!!!! And she got a cupcake for her birthday which is 2 days before Halloween. She thinks Halloween is birthday and everyone owes her something, but she is young so we just play along!!

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Friday, October 26, 2007

How Many Days Till Christmas???

OK, I had to share. I can't believe we are almost in November, so when I came across this site I just knew I had to share it in case anyone wanted to get a jump start on Christmas. I am not sure how I missed this site before.

It has a ton of recipes and fun things for the kids. And even a link to the NORAD Santa Tracker.


Friday, October 5, 2007

Ohh my aching legs!!!

OK, off the craft blogs and on to running. I have done all my training this week except for today because my knees ache. Tomorrow my miles ramp up and I will be running 9 miles for my marathon training. I forgot how it is to train in the fall and winter in Wisconsin. You can never predict the weather.

So, last weekend I ran the Rump Roast Run in Minocqua, WI. I did the 10K this year after really enjoying the 5K race last year. The 10K has much fewer runners, so I knew my slowness would put me at the back of the pack. Well, after the final out and back I counted 7 people behind me. YAHOOO.... SEVEN PEOPLE! That made me so happy. At the 5K point I was at a personal record, so I knew I would do OK for the 10K... which again was a personal record. OK note here... I have not ran that many 10K's, but a PR is a PR!!!!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Looky what I found...

I was going through old pictures and I found one from last summer. I made these Bob the Builder pants for my nephew, then ended up making another pair for a friend of mine. The pants are corduroy with The Bob in pieced appliqué. They were so fun to make. Oh and yes, I do consignment work!!!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

OK, here is my list of UFO's (un-finished objects) that I need to be accountable for. If I post them here, maybe I will actually get them done!!!

  • Emma's Sweater
  • DH's Sweater
  • Flannel Mickey Pants
  • Need to start and finish a new quilt for baby neice born 2 weeks ago
Well, that's a good start. Now I need to finish them. I will keep you posted.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Oh WOW, my very own Blog!!!

I have been wanting a blog for ages, and now I finally have one. I couldn't be more tickled!!!! Now my craziness needs to come up with interesting things to blog about, OR, maybe no one cares. Well, none the less, I am going to use this blog to update everyone on my various talents and crazy life!!!!