Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Blog is BACK!!!

Yes I took quite a bit of time off from blogging. Mostly because I was going through a lot at the time and needed to re-group and find myself. I think I am found now and ready to get back in the game!!!

What's new...
I am PREGNANT! Yup, since I am a work at home mom now, we decided to have that one more child we always wanted. Both girls are so excited and old enough to understand what is going on. I am currently 16 weeks, and due January 12, 2010.

Second, I started freelance writing and it is going really well. I enjoy it so much and am making more than I was at my previous job (mostly because of cutbacks). I am less stressed and have A LOT more time to spend with the family.

So that's a start to the re-starting of my blog!!!

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