Sunday, June 29, 2008

Wallhanging Top Finished...

I finished the top for this wall hanging this past week. I still have to do some appliqué stitching and quilt it, but this is the top so far. I did it as part of a pattern tester for the website. It was so much fun to do as I was able to use only fabrics in my stash or scrap bin. I haven't done appliqué like this in a long time. Mostly it has been required fabrics and not ones that I can pick.


Ann said...

Jen that is beautiful!

I wanted to drop by and tell you that we signed the papers last Tuesday for lil man! I have my lawyer and we are about to set the court day to finalize! YAAY!
(((hugs))) miss you! Ann

Unknown said...

Very cute Jen!!! How did I never notice you had a blog? Glad you are doing some tihngs that make you happy. You definitely deserve it. My ablity ot sew in a straight line is about as good as my typing, but I WISH you loads of luck with your store!
